Painted Blood Bowl Test Figures

Linesmen done as colour tests for my Averheim Avengers. Classic 1990s sculpts by Gary Morley in a classic colour scheme.

Click for bigger photos.

2015.05.03 004I think I am getting better at painting eyes…..

2015.05.03 007

The numbers were freehanded and came out quite well, I think.

2015.05.03 011These chaps were painted as follows:

Overall the whole model had all basecoats blocked in one highlights once. I then washed the whole model except for the yellow armour with GW Flesh Ink Wash mixed with GW Ardcoat (gloss varnish) and a water. It should be reasonably thin and not too dark. The yellow armour was inked with orange ink then I continued to highlight the model normally.

Black – Foundry Black Shade (but any black will do) highlighted with GW Adeptus Battlegrey then GW Codex Grey. To make it look like lacquered armour I gave it two coats of GW Ardcoat (gloss varnish) after the other varnishing steps were completed.

Yellow Armour – GW Golden Yellow shaded with Winsor & Newton Orange Ink then highlighted with GW Golden Yellow then Golden Yellow mixed with white. This was also given two coats of GW Ardcoat (gloss varnish) after the other varnishing steps were completed to make it look like lacquered armour.

Boots and other leather (gloves, belts, etc) – GW Dark Flesh then highlighted with GW Bestial Brown. After the Flesh Wash re highlight with Bestial Brown then Bestial Brown mixed with white.

Yellow leather gloves  – same as yellow armour, but shaded with the Flesh Wash instead of orange to make it look like leather rather than lacquered armour.

Underclothes (shirts, breeches, etc) – Foundry Buff Leather A then B then shaded with the Flesh Wash before having stage B reapplied and then stage A. A final highlight on knees and other high points was then with dilute white.

Flesh – GW Dwarf Flesh then GW Elf Flesh. Then shaded with the Flesh Wash before having the Elf Flesh reapplied. Highlights by adding white to the Elf Flesh until satisfied. I did 3 additional layers adding white each time.

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